Restless Leg Syndrome: Why You Want to Know about It

Restless Leg Syndrome | Vein Treatments Sewickley, PAThere are a few unpleasant sounds that a person may make if they are asked how they feel when their legs interrupt a good night’s sleep. The twitching, itching, tossing, and turning that goes on when the legs just can’t settle down can be more than a little frustrating. The problem can feel distressing when it occurs frequently. For those who experience these symptoms several nights a week, or nightly, the formal diagnosis may be restless leg syndrome.

Restless leg syndrome is classified as a condition in which there is an uncontrollable need to move the legs. Discomfort is the cause of necessary position changes, but this usually not pains in the way we would normally perceive it. The word urge is more appropriate. Because the body relaxes the most as we sleep, it is overnight when the legs may become most restless. Sitting for long periods, as well, may exacerbate the problem.

Signs and Symptoms

Restless leg syndrome occurs in only about 10 percent of people in America. More diagnoses are made in women than in men. As research indicates that restless leg syndrome correlates with vein disease, we can understand these statistics a little better. To know if you need to obtain care for twitching, jumping legs, consider the prevalence of the following symptoms in your life:

  • The urge to move your legs, especially when lying down, is so strong that you cannot resist
  • Moving your legs temporarily improves comfort, but usually for a short time.
  • The need to move occurs more frequently when you sit for long periods or when you lie down to sleep.
  • When you do sleep, your limbs twitch or jump periodically. Your partner may notice this, or these periodic limb movements may wake you up.

Soothing Restless Legs

Vein treatments may be advantageous for individuals struggling to improve sleep and comfort due to restless leg syndrome. Research shows that a large number of cases of RLS are attributed to some degree of vein disease. As such, sclerotherapy or other vein treatment to close dysfunctional veins could decrease or eliminate the secondary problem of restless legs.

Vena Health & Wellness offers friendly care in four convenient office locations. Contact us online today or call 412-741-0480 to learn more about the vein treatments available in our Wexford, Sewickley, Grove City, and Beaver facilities.

Posted in: Vein Treatments

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